
The Maul is the name given to any great hammer of exceptional size. These weapons are wielded by only the strongest fighters, as the speed and heft of a maul almost demands a great deal of physical power to be used effectively. Most mauls can be around 6 feet in length and weigh up to 20 lbs. Larger Mauls do exist, but few can use them properly due to their size.

  • Group: Hammer
NameRankSpd.Prec.Dmg. DiceDmg. Mult.ArN
Base Crit. Chance
Crit. Dmg. per Phys Rank
PropertiesSub-GroupDmg. TypeCostWt.Rarity
Maul31022d62510%5Heavy, Unblockable-B10 gp30 lbCommon