Equipment:Repeating Light Crossbow


This advancement in crossbow technology features a slot in the shaft for a clip of arrows and a crank on the side of the shaft. This allows a wielder to fire an arrow, turn the crank and load another arrow into place, far more quickly then reloading an ordinary crossbow.These weapons require skilled construction and as such are very expensive. On the plus side they are very easy to operate, making them ideal for nobility and wealthy individuals who would rather not take the time to train with weaponry as much as others.

  • Group: Projectile
  • Subgroup:Crossbow
NameRankSpd.Rld.Prec.Dmg. DiceDmg. Mult.ArN
Base Crit. Chance
Crit. Dmg. per Phys Rank
PropertiesRng.Sub-GroupDmg. TypeCostWt.Rarity
Repeating Light Crossbow271021d81.5315%3Multi-Shot(5), Semi-Aquatic150CrossbowP135 gp9 lbRare