Viper Venom

Viper Venom
Poison Rank 3
Value: 300 gp
Delivery: Wound
Effect: The target suffers ongoing 5 Necrotic and 1 Stamina Damage every 10 segments [SE, ST 3d10 vs CON].

Creation: The venom of a viper is extracted by milking the fangs of a live subject. The sugar and salt are added as binding agents and to increase its viability in the attacked creatures circulatory system. Caution must be taken on the part of the collector in order to avoid accidental poisoning.
Components: Venom from any of a wide variety of vipers, sugar and salt
"Hold it by the neck? I'd rather not. Look at those fangs! If the bite doesn't make me faint, the poison surely will!"
——Holbert Moglio, Halfling Explorer


Viper Venom mostly appears as a semi-translucent yellow liquid. It is a type of poison most venomous snakes possess, used for hunting and weakening their prey before consumption. When applied to a weapon and used as part of an attack, a victim will find themselves simultaneously in physical pain and being drained of energy should they fail to resist the effects. While not particularly strong and easier to resist than most forms of poison, a well timed strike with such a weapon can be potentially life ending.


Viper Venom is collected in large qualities by thieves and assassins for its disabling properties on targets. Many common snakes possess potent enough venom to make it worth the effort to gather it. Very plentiful when compared to the more potent stuff, it is sold cheaply in areas where such markets are tolerated. Even when not sold openly, an industrious scoundrel can find a way to procure some.