Caustic Damage

"You sir, have offended my honor! I challenge you to a dueeeeEEEEEEAAAAAAA!"
——Pripigan Pelstein, threatening an alchemist after a short business dispute

Caustic damage can be dealt by the right chemical mixture, from the stomach acid of a creature, a magically enhanced source or even the earth itself. In addition to its versatility, a caustic source is also hard to resist, so most creatures fear its touch.

Caustic Injuries

Random Caustic Injuries
Roll 2d6 Moderate Severe Critical Lethal
2 Burned Blood Tiring Toxicity Weakened Heart Lethal Burn
3 Facial Burn Severe Facial Burn Melted Face Dissolved Head
4 Arm Burn Burnt Arm Melted Arm Lethal Burn
5 Eye Irritation Eye Burns Melted Eyes Dissolved Head
6 Blistering Burn Severe Burn Widespread Burn Lethal Burn
7 Fume Inhalation Scorched Lungs Bleached Lungs Dissolved Lungs
8 Sinus Irritation Burned Sinuses Dissolved Sinuses Dissolved Lungs
9 Leg Burn Burnt Leg Melted Leg Lethal Burn
10 Raspy Throat Choking Burns Burnt Throat Dissolved Lungs
11 Tingling Burn Itching Burn Terrible Itching Melted Away
12 Bitter Blood Polluted Blood Toxemia Melted Away

Caustic Powers