Dead Drop Door Trap

Dead Drop Door Trap
Trap [Rank 4]
Description: A pressure plate in a doorway causes a slab of stone to drop, splitting the party.
Awareness DC: 30
Spot DC: 25
Detecting the Trap: There seems to be an unevenness to the floor.
Investigate DC: 20
Investigating the Area: A tile on the floor seems to be able to be depressed. With a check of 25 or higher, you notice a thin seam around the ceiling of the archway.
Disarm DC: 15
Disarming the Trap: The pressure plate may be stepped over or jumped over depending on the size. Alternatively a board can be placed over the area so that the pressure plate will not be depressed. The pressure plate may also be disabled with a successful Thievery or Trapsmith check.
Failure: Failing the Disarm DC by 6 or more triggers the trap. Otherwise, nothing happens.
Triggering the Trap: Stepping on or otherwise depressing the plate triggers the trap.
Effect: A stone slab drops into the doorway, sealing off the opening.
Target: Triggering creature
Attack: +12 vs. Reflex
Hit: The GM determines the side of the slab the creature ends up on.
Miss: The creature can choose what side of the block she is on.
Variations: This drop door may also be made of metal or a similar substance.