Figment Keyword

Figments are a type of Illusion that creates a false image, sound, or similar affect. Unlike Phantasms, Figments exist as projections in the real world and are perceived by all creatures that see (or hear, etc) them. Creatures that enter an area with a figment perceive it even if they were not present for its initial creation.

Figments exist in reality up to the limit of the senses that they emulate. A figment with a visual and auditory component is reflecting and creating light as an object would and is creating real sound waves through the air. As such, it is subject to environmental conditions such as Darkness or a Silence effect.

As real as a Figment may seem, it can never cause physical harm. Cutting your hand on an illusory sword will bring pain, allow you to feel the tearing and ripping of flesh, but once you pulled your hand away there would be no wound. Likewise Figments cannot bear weight, and someone sitting upon an illusory stool will fall through (even though it at first seems solid).

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