Flooding Room Trap
Flooding Room Trap
Trap [Rank 3]
Description: A pressure plate is set into the floor. When the plate is stepped upon the door to the room seals and water begins to pour into the room to drown anyone trapped inside.
Awareness DC: 25
Spot DC: 20
Detecting the Trap: There seems to be an unevenness to the floor.
Investigate DC: 15
Investigating the Area: A tile on the floor seems to be able to be depressed. With a check of 20 or higher, you notice several grates near the ceiling.
Disarm DC: 15
Disarming the Trap: The pressure plate can be moved around, stepped over, or jumped over depending on the size. Alternatively a board can be placed over the area so that the pressure plate will not be depressed. The pressure plate may also be disabled with a successful Thievery or Trapsmith check.
Failure: Failing the Disarm DC by 6 or more triggers the trap. Otherwise, nothing happens.
Triggering the Trap: Stepping on or otherwise depressing the plate triggers the trap.
Effect: All exits are immediately sealed off (usually with dead fall doors) and water begins to pour in from the grates.The room begins to fill with water, which takes 2d4 rounds. Once the room is flooded, all creatures within the room are Drowning. The PCs may attempt to slow the flow of water by blocking the grates or they may attempt to exit the room by breaking through the doors (Durability 25) or by forcing the doors open with a successful Brawn check [DC 25].