
You have been subjected to extreme heat for too long, and your body is overwhelmed. When you suffer Hyperthermia, increase your level of Hyperthermia by the amount specified. The effects of Hyperthermia are given in the following table:

Effects of Hyperthermia
1-2You are sweating profusely and feel tired. You are Drowsy.
3-4The heat leaves you drained and impaired. You cannot Concentrate and you are Sickened.
5-6You are sick and delirious from the terrible heat. You are Nauseated and Confused.
7+ Death by heat stroke

Special: Creatures immune to Fire are immune to Hyperthermia.

Ongoing Hyperthermia

Ongoing Hyperthermia effects work the same way as Ongoing Damage, with hyperthermia occurring immediately if the initial save is failed.

Removing Hyperthermia

Hyperthermia can be alleviated by moving to a cool environment, drinking cool fluids, and resting. Each hour spent resting in a cool environment reduces hyperthermia by one level.

See Exposure for more information.