
"One man's junk is another goblin's treasure." You never know what you might find in a creature's pockets (or sock drawer), and the Random Junk table serves as an example of the strange variety of useless (and sometimes not so useless) things an adventurer may find. While this is by no means an exhaustive list, and the GM should feel free to deviate and embellish as they see fit, it allows for some interesting and flavor variety of items to be found among a creature's possessions.

Random Junk
d100 RollResult
1bit of string
2scrap of leather
3old boot
4piece of glass
6jagged pebble
7river stone
9twist of twine
10glove with holes
11scrap of cloth
12old bandage
13straw hat
14belt buckle
15soup bone
16animal bone
17bone needle
18broken spindle
19lump of lead
21glob of sap
22dried flowers
23scrap of wool
24half-finished wood carving
25broken sword hilt
26hardened feces
27broken bottle
28pocket lint
29half-eaten ration
30fake coin (wood)
31twisted pewter eating utensil
32piano key
33small leather purse
34thin broken silver chain link
35door handle
36thick wooden chair leg
37torn sheet
38soiled cockatrice feather
39fake coin (iron)
40soaked papyrus
41glass jar of spoiled milk
42worn, stained throw rug
43glass marble
44rusted compass
45jar of Wacky Willie's Miracle Ointment
46crossbow bolt
47igneous rock
48spyglass lense
49copper badge
50melted wax
51sea shell necklace
52broken crossbow
53bent sewing needle
54cracked egg shell
56depleted wand
57empty scroll case
58faded bone dice
59small, broken violin
60tarnished brass horn
61wineskin with holes in it
62torn parasol
63lead shavings
64rusted, bent silver tiara with empty gemstone sockets
65an eyeball
66rag soaked with oil
67nub of charcoal
68opened envelope with a hand-written letter
69dull shearing scissors
70partially unraveled stocking
71large pile of shed snake skin
72small jar of ash
73moldy tankard
74ogre rib
75broken stone hand
76peg leg
77smooth rock
78rodent skull
79chewed bark
91-95Consumable Item
96-100Magic Item