Haze is formed by fine particles suspended in the air, such as dust, pollen, or smoke, and can obscure vision. The density of the haze determines the level of obscurement it creates. Haze tends to not be quite as impactful as Fog. Depending on the composition of the Haze, it may impose additional effects in addition to those described below (such as damage, toxin exposure, etc).
Light Haze
Light haze subtly affects vision by blurring details and slightly obscuring distant sights. While you can generally see through light haze, it does have some influence on visibility. Areas of Light Haze have the following effects:
Heavy Haze
Heavy haze significantly hampers vision, especially at longer distances. It blurs details and makes it difficult to make out anything beyond a short distance. Areas of Heavy Haze have the following effects:
- Partial Concealing Terrain (Vision, Blocking, 30ft distance).
- Total Concealing Terrain (Vision, Blocking, 100ft distance).
Dense Haze
Dense haze is so thick with particles that it drastically reduces visibility. It is difficult to see more than a few feet in dense haze, and even at close range, details can become distorted. Areas of Dense Haze have the following effects:
- Partial Concealing Terrain (Vision, Blocking).
- Total Concealing Terrain (Vision, Blocking, 20ft distance).
Stinking Haze
Stinking Haze carries a strong offensive odor (and may or may not obscure vision) and affects smell like normal Haze affects vision.