Chaotic Erosion

Chaotic Erosion
Critical Injury, DC 20 [Spiritual]
Chaos energy courses through your veins like a rabid beast, gnawing at your life essence. It erodes your health, leaving a trail of relentless, fluctuating pain that defies all sense of logic. It's as if your very existence is in a tug of war with a chaotic entity, each ebb and flow of the struggle manifesting as unbearable pain. No two moments are the same, each wave of discomfort unique in its torment.
Initial Effects
Persistent Effects
☐☐☐ Critical: Pain (5)
☐☐☐ Severe: Pain (4)
☐☐☐ Moderate: Pain (2)
When Fully Healed
After the injury is healed you gain one of the following traits (your choice): Brand of Pain