Cooked Back

Cooked Back
Critical Injury, DC 20 [Physical]
Your back has been cooked to a crisp, leaving you as flexible as a well-done steak. Fast movement or anything requiring a bit of flexibility seems as likely as a snowball's chance in, well, wherever it is you just got these burns from.
Initial Effects
  • 3 Morale Damage
  • Incapacitated [SE, ST 6d10 vs CON]
  • Drop all Held items
Persistent Effects
☐☐☐ Critical: Pain (3), Weakened
☐☐☐ Severe: Pain (2), Weakened
☐☐☐ Moderate: Pain (1), Weakened
When Fully Healed
After the injury is healed you gain one of the following traits (your choice): Frailty