Demonic Torment

Demonic Torment
Critical Injury, DC 20 [Mental]
Your every moment is filled with an endless parade of demonic apparitions and horrific scenarios playing out in your mind's eye. The malevolent spectres are not content to simply frighten you; they torment you, their demonic games seeking to shred your sanity. These persistent visions generate a pervasive terror that invades every aspect of your life, sapping your strength and threatening to overpower your will.
Initial Effects
  • 3 Morale Damage
  • Panicked [SE, ST 7d10 vs WIS]
Persistent Effects
☐☐☐ Critical: Cowering
☐☐☐ Severe: Unnerved
☐☐☐ Moderate: Shaken
When Fully Healed
After the injury is healed you gain one of the following traits (your choice): Jumpy, Desensitize