Seeds of Murder

Seeds of Murder
Severe Injury, DC 15 [Spiritual]
In your mind’s eye, violent scenes play out unbidden. Whispered suggestions creep into your thoughts, urging you to commit unspeakable acts. These 'seeds of murder' have been sown in your psyche, and their sinister whispers are growing louder. Every once in a while, they succeed in taking control, turning you into a puppet who acts on their violent desires.
Initial Effects
  • 2 Morale Damage
  • Dominated by pure traitorous evil [SE, ST 5d10 vs CHA].
Persistent Effects
☐☐☐ Severe: You must make opportunity attacks on allies. Whenever possible you must include allies in attacks. These attacks are made at a -2 penalty.
☐☐☐ Moderate: You must make opportunity attacks on allies. Whenever possible you must include allies in attacks. These attacks are made at a -4 penalty.