Sensory Displacement

Sensory Displacement
Critical Injury, DC 20 [Mental]
Your perception of reality is constantly interrupted by unsettling gaps, with large portions of your sensory data inexplicably absent. The world becomes a disjointed puzzle, with pieces of sensory data disappearing and leaving you feeling lost and disoriented. Even worse, a chaos surrounds the few moments of perceptual lucidity and it is impossible to tell if what you perceive is real or imagined.
Initial Effects
Persistent Effects
☐☐☐ Critical: Nullsensed, Confused
☐☐☐ Severe: Nullsensed
☐☐☐ Moderate: Partially Nullsensed
When Fully Healed
After the injury is healed you gain one of the following traits (your choice): Muted Senses