Alchemist's Jug

Alchemist's Jug
Type: Wondrous Item (Jug)
Rank: 6 (Potency 30)
Special Actions
Immediate Action
Potency (MR): 1d4+3 (No)
Limitation: Twice per day
Effect: The jug dispenses 1 of the following potions of the user's desire: Potion of Stamina, Potion of Resolve, or Potion of Healing.
Depletion: 1 on 1d6
Price: 500 gp
Aura: Weak Divine
Skill Requirement: Religious Arts
Imbued Power: Cure Wounds
  • A small piece of heartwood [Common]
  • Purified Water [Common]
  • A Potion of Stamina [Rare]
  • A Potion of Resolve [Rare]
  • A Potion of Healing [Rare]