Boots of Striding and Springing

Boots of Striding and Springing
Magic Item [Very Rare]
Type: Clothing (Boots)
Rank: 6 (Potency 60)
Special Actions
  • The boots allow you to bound and jump with a tremendous spring. You gain the movement mode Leaping 40ft/3seg.
Striding Charge
Free Action
Cost: 1 Stamina
Trigger: You Charge by using a power with the Charge keyword.
Effect: The increased recovery time of the Charge is reduced to 0 (from a normal 2).

Springing Charge
Free Action
Cost: 1 Stamina
Trigger: You Charged by using a power with the Charge keyword and completed your action.
Effect: After you complete your action (i.e. an attack), you may leap backwards 40ft away from your opponent,
Allocation: 2 Stamina and 2 Resolve
Aura: Moderate Creation


