Druid Callop's Magical Compost

Druid Callop's Magical Compost
Rank: 8 (Potency [1d10 + 8])
Rarity: Extremely Rare
Description: When a clump of Druid Callop's Magical Compost is placed anywhere, in a pot, bag, tea kettle, any container at all, the magic is ready to be used. Each bag contains 37 uses, give or take.
Aura: Strong Elemental
Special Actions
Quick Growth
Standard Action [REC 5]
Effect: When one portion of compost is added to any seed or immature plant it will grow to its mature state within 1 phase. Any edible part of the plant is extremely nutritious and filling, with a single serving providing enough food for 6 people for one day. This food will last for 2d4 weeks without spoiling, after which the plant's growth cycle returns to normal.

Blood Fruit
Standard Action [REC 5]
Effect: If three portions of the compost are added to any seed or immature plant, it will grow 2d4 servings of bright red fruit within 1 phase. The Blood Fruit tastes terrible, but when consumed as a Standard Action [REC 5] will restore 1d4+2 Burnt Stamina and 1d4+2 Burnt Resolve. The Blood Fruits will last 2d4 months without spoiling.

Life Apple
Standard Action [REC 5]
Effect: If six portions of the compost are added to any seed or immature plant it will grow 1d4+1 tiny green Life Apples within 1 phase. When consumed as a Standard Action [REC 5] the Life Apple will restore 1d4+2 Burnt Stamina, 1d4+2 Burn Resolve, and Hitpoints equal to [(2 x Healing Value) + 2d8]. The Life Apples will last 1 year without spoiling.

Golden Strawberry
Standard Action [REC 5]
Effect: If twelve portions of the compost are added to any seed or immature plant it will grow 2 Golden Strawberries wtihin 1 phase. When consumed as a Standard Action [REC 5], the Golden Strawberry will restore 2d4+2 Burnt Stamina, 2d4+2 Burn Resolve, and restore the consumer to full hitpoints. Additionally, the DC of any injuries sustained by the consumer are reduced by 2d4+2, allowing an immediate Resilience Check to heal the injury.
"Odd feller, that one. Just sits on the street all day, rags and covered in dirt, but he don't beg. Just sits there with a big dumb smile on his face. Seems healthy for a beggar, too. Wonder what his secret is?"
——Nearby Blacksmith commenting on the town's local culture


This pile of dirt is usually found in a small, dark green leather bag with a symbol of The World Tree detailed on one side. Inside the bag is a dark brown and obviously rich soil, flecked with subtle hints of shimmering green


This magical soil was created by a holy man of the forest several hundred years ago, and since its creation, its use and accessibility has increased exponentially, although a full bag of the stuff is rare and extremely expensive for most commoners. Many adventurers carry bags when they can find them due to its convenient powers