Druid Callop's Magical Compost
"Odd feller, that one. Just sits on the street all day, rags and covered in dirt, but he don't beg. Just sits there with a big dumb smile on his face. Seems healthy for a beggar, too. Wonder what his secret is?"
——Nearby Blacksmith commenting on the town's local culture
This pile of dirt is usually found in a small, dark green leather bag with a symbol of The World Tree detailed on one side. Inside the bag is a dark brown and obviously rich soil, flecked with subtle hints of shimmering green
This magical soil was created by a holy man of the forest several hundred years ago, and since its creation, its use and accessibility has increased exponentially, although a full bag of the stuff is rare and extremely expensive for most commoners. Many adventurers carry bags when they can find them due to its convenient powers