Ring of Water Walking

Ring of Water Walking
Magic Item [Very Rare]
Type: Jewelry (Ring)
Rank: 4 (Potency 40)
The wearer can walk over any liquid surface as if it were common ground. If the wearer wishes to submerge beneath the surface of a liquid, they must remove the ring. If the ring is put on while a creature is submerged, they will float upward at a rate of 60ft per round until it emerges and is standing on the liquid's surface.
Allocation: 2 Resolve
Aura: Moderate Mysticism
"Well, yes I suppose he could be a prophet, or an avatar of a god or something. It’s pretty amazing what he’s doing, I’ll admit. To imagine, a divine emissary standing right before ...oh wait, no. See? He tripped and fell in the water. He’s climbing up now. Probably just a Wizard or something."
——Nolan Beetfarmer, Local Serf


The Ring of Water Walking is made of silver with a light blue tinge, engraved with thin wavy lines meant to represent the tides.


This ring was created by Water Clerics as a means of transportation, as well as making a dramatic entrance to awe potential converts to the cause. Not surprisingly, knowledge of this ring spread soon after its creation, and soon every pirate and wealthy sea captain in the world was chasing after one.