Behead Foe

Behead Foe
Ultimate Martial Technique
Prerequisites: Martial Rank 9, Deadly Blow Technique
Disciplines: Brute
Standard Action [REC Weapon Speed + 3]
Cost: 1 Kamra, 8 Stamina and 4 Stamina Burn
Requirement: You must be wielding a two-handed slashing or chopping weapon, and the target must be Prone.
Effect: Feeling as if the hand of death itself is guiding you, the blade of your weapon is driven down upon the neck of your enemy with murderous intent. Make an Attack:
Range: Melee
Target: One Prone humanoid creature within reach.
Attack: Melee Weapon vs. AC
Hit: Weapon[9 WD] damage and the target must succeed an Injury Resilience Check at a +5 bonus or suffer a Decapitation Injury. If the target has already been reduced to 0 hitpoints, it instead suffers a -10 penalty to the Injury Check (instead of making a second check).
Augment, Greater Beheading
[Martial Rank 10, Stacking]
Stacking [Rank 10, 11, 12, etc]: This augment may be applied multiple times and is limited by your Martial Rank.
Effect: Increase the damage dealt by 1 WD.
Master Augment, Behead Creature
[Martial Rank 10]
Effect: You may now target a non-humanoid creature provided it has a discernible head.