Blood Spear

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Blood Spear
Advanced Undeath Scourge [Grapple]
Prerequisites: Undeath Rank 4, Eater of Blood Feature.
Disciplines: Vampirism
Focus Action [FT 3, REC 8]
Cost: 3 Stamina and 1 Blood Loss
Effect: You form your own blood into branching vampiric spears that seek out creatures and let you drink from them. Make an attack:
Area: 30ft cone originating from you.
Target: All creatures in the area.
Attack: Corruption vs. Reflex
Hit: [4d8 + Deathly Might] Piercing damage. If the target is living it also suffers 1d2 points of Blood loss.
Special: You regain 1 point of Blood Loss (which may reduce your Hunger Level) for every two targets that take any Blood Loss.
Augment, Greater Blood Spear
[Undeath Rank 5, Stacking]
Stacking [Rank 5, 6, 7, etc]: This augment may be applied multiple times, limited by your Undeath Rank.
Effect: Increase the damage by 1d8.
Master Augment, Blood Blossom
[Undeath Rank 6]
Cost: 3 Stamina
Effect: This power now targets creatures of your choice within 30ft of you.
Special: If you Are Frenzied by Unnatural Hunger, this power now targets all creatures within 40ft of you.