Deity’s Curse
Deity's Curse
Magic Resistance: Yes
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 2
Disciplines: Unholy
Potency: [1d4 + Divine Rank]
Cast Action [CT 2, REC 3]
Components: V
Cost: 3 Resolve
Limitation: Once per 3 rounds
Effect: Filling your voice with the hateful resonance of your unholy master, you curse your enemies in the name of your deity. Shift Tide of Battle one step in your party's favor, to a maximum of +1.
Master Augment, Plague of Curses
[Divine Rank 4, Stacking]
Stacking [Divine Rank 4 & 7]: This augment may be applied a maximum of twice and is limited by your Divine Rank.
Effect: Increase the maximum that the Tide of Battle may be shifted in your favor by 1. This increases the maximum to +2 with the first use of the augment and +3 with the second use.
Master Augment, Greater Curse
[Divine Rank 6]
Cost: 2 Resolve
Effect: Your use of Deity's Curse shifts the Tide of Battle two steps in your party's favor. You are still limited by the maximum based on your Divine Rank.