Do No Harm
Do No Harm
Magic Resistance: No
Ultimate Divine Prayer [Magical]
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 10, Sanctuary Prayer
Disciplines: Warding
Potency: [2d8 + Divine Rank]
Cast Action [CT 6, REC 9]
Components: V, S, DF
Cost: 1 Karma, 5 Resolve and 3 Resolve Burn
Duration: 1 Round or until dismissed, dispelled or disrupted.
Upkeep: Free Action, spend 1 Resolve Burn to extend the duration by 1 round.
Effect: Drawing upon your inner reserve of spiritual power, you bathe yourself in bright, pale yellow energies that extend out to deny all creatures within your area the ability to cause harm to others. You gain an Aura [30 ft] of protection.
- Creatures within the aura are immune to damage and immune to Death Effects.
- Creatures within the aura cannot deal damage to any targets, even if they are outside of the aura.
- This aura does not prevent the imposition of other effects that do not deal damage (Status Effects, Forced Movement that takes a creature out of the aura, Disease, Poisons that don't deal damage, etc).
Master Augment, Chosen Ward
[Divine Rank 10]
Effect: Instead of placing the aura on you, you place it on a willing creature within 50 ft.