False Life

False Life
Magic Resistance: No
Basic Eldritch Spell [Magical]
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 4
Disciplines: Necromancy
Potency: [1d4 + Eldritch Rank]
Cast Action [CT 4, REC 5]
Components: V, S
Cost: 1 Resolve Burn
Duration: Until expended or until your next extended rest
Target: You
Effect: You infuse yourself with borrowed temporary hit points from a necrotic plane equal to 1d10 + your Eldritch Rank x 2. These temporary hit points do not go away during a short rest and are instead kept until lost or until your next extended rest.
Master Augment, Take Life
[Eldritch Rank 7]
Cost: 1 Resolve Burn
Effect: You increase the temporary hit points gained to 2d10 + your Eldritch Rank x 4.