Meld into Stone

Meld into Stone
Magic Resistance: No
Advanced Divine Prayer [Magical]
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 4
Disciplines: Warding
Potency: [1d8 + Divine Rank]
Cast Action [CT 2, REC 5]
Components: S, V, DF
Cost: 3 Resolve
Duration: 1 hour per Divine Rank or until dismissed, dispelled, disrupted, or you exit the stone.
Effect: Your deity restores your natural form's connection to the world for a short time, allowing you to become one with the stone.
  • You and up to 100 pounds of gear (non-living) that you are carrying fuse into a single slab of stone with a volume greater than that of you and your gear combined.
  • You may exit the stone at any time (ending this prayer), but you must exit through the same place that you entered.
  • While within the stone, you can hear what is occurring beyond but cannot see.
  • You may cast prayers on yourself, but have no line of effect to creatures or objects outside the stone.
  • You are not harmed by minor damage done to the stone, but if the stone is broken or destroyed you are expelled from the stone and suffer 5d6 damage. This damage cannot be prevented by any means.
Master Augment, Meld into Earth
[Divine Rank 5]
Effect: You may now meld into the Earth.
Master Augment, Meld into Metal
[Divine Rank 7]
Effect: You may now meld into a Metal surface.