Quick Strike

Quick Strike
Advanced Martial Technique
Prerequisites: Martial Rank 5
Disciplines: Duelist
Immediate Action
Cost: 5 Stamina
Effect: You make your own opportunities, and strike quicker than the eye through your opponent's defenses. Make an attack:
Range: Melee Reach
Target: One creature within Reach
Attack: Melee Weapon vs. AC
Hit: Weapon[2 WD] damage.
Augment, Greater Quick Strike
[Martial Rank 8, Stacking]
Stacking [Rank 8, 11, 14, etc]: This augment may be applied multiple times and is limited by your Martial Rank.
Effect: Increase the damage dealt by 1 WD.
Master Augment, Thrust [Stance]
[Martial Rank 5]
Requirement: You must be utilizing the Sudden Step Stance.
Effect: Your Quick Strike technique gains the Lunge keyword.
Master Augment, Quick Set-Up [Stance]
[Martial Rank 5]
Requirement: You must be utilizing the Hateful Blade Stance.
Effect: On a hit, gain a +2 bonus to your next attack against the target within 10 segments.
Master Augment, Sudden Barrage [Stance]
[Martial Rank 5]
Requirement: You must be utilizing the Lightning Reflex Stance.
Cost: 2 Stamina
Effect: You may now target two creatures.
Master Augment, Charging Quick Strike [Stance]
[Martial Rank 6]
Requirement: You must be utilizing a Brute Stance.
Cost: 1 Stamina
Effect: This technique gains the Charge keyword.
Master Augment, Too Slow [Stance]
[Martial Rank 6]
Requirement: You must be utilizing a Stalker Stance.
Effect: If the target is Isolated, reduce the cost of this technique by 1 Stamina.