Remove Blindness and Deafness

Remove Blindness and Deafness
Magic Resistance: Yes
Advanced Divine Prayer [Magical]
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 4
Disciplines: Creation
Potency: [1d8 + Divine Rank]
Cast Action [CT 3, REC 3]
Components: V, S
Cost: 2 Resolve
Range: Touch
Target: Creature Touched.
Effect: Your hand glows with a powerful light, and when you touch your target, the light seeps into their eyes, burning away the effect that has caused them to lose their vision. You remove temporary (i.e. Save Ends or set duration) Blindness or Deafness (your choice) to an infected creature. This does not remove Traits based on Blindness or Deafness , nor does it heal injuries that result in blindness or deafness (unless those effects are Save Ends). This does not overcome environmental effects that cause blindness (such as darkness) or deafness (such as a sandstorm).
Special: This prayer has no effect on creatures that are naturally Blind or naturally Deaf.
Augment, Miraculous Recovery
[Divine Rank 5]
Cost: Change cost to 4 Resolve Burn
Effect: Any injuries resulting in Blindness or Deafness are automatically healed and senses are restored (those injuries do not grant traits when healed this way). Additionally, the target may spend a karma to remove one or more injury traits associated with Blindness and Deafness.