Water Walk

Water Walk
Magic Resistance: Yes
Advanced Divine Prayer [Magical]
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 4
Disciplines: Mysticism
Potency: [1d8 + Divine Rank]
Cast Action [CT 4, REC 6]
Components: S, V, DF
Cost: 2 Resolve Burn
Duration: 1 phase per Divine Rank or until dismissed, dispelled or disrupted.
Range: Touch
Target: One willing creature per Divine Rank.
Effect: Your deity chooses you as a divine emissary, and will let no mundane obstacle stand in your path. The target can walk over any liquid surface as if it were common ground, hovering 2 inches over the liquid's surface. Since the target does not walk directly on the surface, it does not suffer any potential damaging effects from coming in contact with the liquid (i.e. Acid or Lava), but still suffers any environmental damage suffered from being in proximity to the liquid (i.e. heat damage from lava). If cast while the target is submerged, the target immediately floats upward at a rate of 60 feet per round until it is hovering 2 inches above the liquids surface.
Master Augment, Instant Water Walk
[Divine Rank 6]
Cost: 1 Resolve Burn
Effect: You may now use this prayer as an Immediate Action. Additionally, the range becomes 30 feet.