Create Spell Scroll

Create Spell Scroll
Ritual Rank 4
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 3
Potency: 20
Components: Vellum Scroll [Value: 1gp] and magic ink [10gp per Rank of the Power]
Focus: A fine writing quill intricately inscribed with warding runes [value: 50gp]
Cost: Varies* (see text)
Prep Time: 1 phase per Rank
Cast Time: 1 moment
Duration: Until utilized or dispelled.
Effect: You carefully copy the power's verbal components, imbuing the written words with the magic necessary to cast them. When you complete copying the power, you speak a brief incantation, sealing the magic within.

You must either have the Spell as a Mastered Power or currently have the Spell memorized in order to make a Scroll of it. The scroll gains a Rank of your choosing when you create it, either equal to your Eldritch Rank or a lower rank of your choosing. Any of the Spell's free (i.e. no energy or time cost) Augments (not Master Augments) are imbued within the scroll, up to the scroll's rank. The scroll has a Potency equal to the Potency of the Spell imbued within it (utilizing the Scroll's Rank in place of Eldritch Rank).

Creating the scroll requires Stamina Burn equal to [10 + Scroll Rank] and Resolve Burn equal to [10 + Scroll Rank]. Additionally, you must spend one Karma for an Advanced Spell, two Karma for a Legendary Spell, and three Karma for an Ultimate Spell. If the Spell has a material component, that component is consumed at the time of scroll creation (Foci however must be provided by the user of the scroll).

The scroll may now be used by anyone with a Eldritch Arts Rank of 1 or higher, though there may be a chance of failure (see Scrolls for more information).