Fire Trap
Fire Trap
Ritual Rank 5 [Glyph]
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 4
Potency: 25
Components: Sulfur Dust [Value: 25 gp]
Cost: 1 Stamina Allocation
Cast Time: 1 phase
Duration: Until Discharged, Dispelled or Dismissed
Range: Touch
Aura: Masked [DC 25] (Evocation)
Target: Opening of object touched
Effect: You place an arcane trap upon an object that can be opened (such as a chest, drawer or door). When the object is opened, it creates a fiery explosion encompassing anything within a 10 ft diameter burst surrounding the object. All creatures within the area are subject to the following attack:
Trigger: The trapped object is opened.
Target: All creatures within 10 ft of the object
Attack: +10 vs. Reflex
Hit: 6d6 fire damage
Miss: Half Damage
Special: The creature who triggered the trap is automatically hit by this effect.
You may open and close the object without discharging the trap, as can any creatures you designate at the time of casting. Additionally, the object is warded against harm from the effects of the explosion (though the ritual does not ward other objects in the area from harm).
The trap can be detected with a successful Investigate check [DC 25] or via an ability to detect masked magical auras (such as Reveal Magic). Once detected, the Fire Trap may be removed magically or with a Trapsmith or Thievery check [DC 30]. If an attempt is made to remove the Fire Trap, and it fails, the trap activates.