
Ritual Rank 11 [Portative]
Prerequisites: Divine or Eldritch Rank 10
Potency: 55
Components: A piece of chalk
Focus: A small planar totem, native to the plane you wish to travel to [Rare, Value: 500 - 2,000gp] and a mundane doorway, archway or similar entryway.
Cost: 5 Resolve Burn
Prep Time: 1 phase
Cast Time: 1 moment
Duration: Concentration (up to 1 phase)
Effect: Using the chalk, you draw magical runes upon the outside of the entryway, allowing it to become the gate through which you will travel to another plane. Upon your brief incantation, the ritual activates and a shimmering, transparent field appears within the entryway. Through it, you can view a fuzzy image of the other world to which you are about to depart.

For the duration of the ritual, creatures can move through the gate from either end (the origin plane or the destination plane). The destination plane is dependent on the origin of the Planar Totem which you use as a focus. When the ritual begins to come to its natural ending duration (about 30 seconds from closing), it begins to sputter and flicker, warning creatures of the impending closure. If your Concentration is disrupted, however, the gate immediately closes and the ritual ends.