Raise Dead

Raise Dead
Ritual Rank 7 [Restorative]
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 5
Potency: 35
Components: A red gem with black streaks [Value: 100 x (level)² gp]
Cost: 10 Resolve Burn
Cast Time: 8 hours
Target: A dead creature
Effect: You spend hours in deliberate prayer focusing the energies of the divine through the gem (which has been placed over the target's heart), and into the target. After 8 hours of exhausting chanting the gem shatters, the remnants dissipating as the target wakes.

Upon completion of the ritual, the target creature suffers a permanent loss of 1 Resolve and 1 Stamina, but lives once more (see Raising the Dead). It wakes with 1 hitpoint and all but 1 Stamina and 1 Resolve burnt. All injuries sustained by the target are healed, though any Traits resulting from injuries remain.

In order for this ritual to be effective it must be performed within [1 day per Ritual Casting Rank] of the creature’s death. Creatures that are preserved with a Gentle Repose Ritual can extend this limitation by the number of days that the corpse was subject to the Gentle Repose. The body must be mostly intact (i.e. capable of supporting life), or the ritual automatically fails.

The more powerful the target was in life, the greater the value of the gem needed to revive them (i.e. the gem must be worth at least [100 x ( target's level)² gp]). Research or divination may be necessary to determine the necessary gem value. If the gem is not valuable enough for the target, the gem shatters and the ritual fails.