Star Husk

Star Husk
Magic Item [Very Rare]
Rank: 4 (Potency 40)
  • +2/+2 Item bonus to AC.
  • Reduce the Armor Check Penalty by 5 (min 0). This is an Item bonus.
  • As a Free Action you may will the armor to emit Bright Light out to 25ft.
Special Actions
Supress Darkness
Immediate Action
Limitation: Three times per day
Duration: 10 rounds
Effect: Make an opposed potency check versus any affect with the Darkness keyword. If you succeed the check, the Bright Light emitted from your armor suppresses the magical darkness effect out to 25ft around you. If you enter an area under the effect of a different Darkness ability, you must use this ability again.
Allocation: 4 Stamina and 1 Resolve
Aura: Moderate Conjuration or Creation
"We were surrounded by brilliant light, and the dark, dark night somehow seemed less foreboding......right until we realized our comrade was a beacon for every ill-intentioned monster within five miles. We gotta wrap him up at night time now, because he won't take the damned thing off."
——Poruk ShatterBlaster, Dwarven Warrior


This armor forms the shape of a suit of Chainmail, but its details are quite unusual. The material is non-metallic, has a dark, bluish hue, as if a night sky just after dusk, with links that occasionally shine a bright, white light that only reflects from the armor under the light of the stars and the moon. The armor is almost weightless, and the chain links are crafted so finely that it barely makes a sound.


No one is sure where Star Husk armors came from, however some suspect a benevolent deity. Regardless, these items are highly sought after by many adventurers for the protection they grant in addition to the amazing level of comfort. Elves especially love these armors for their beautiful yet simplistic appearance.