Death Berry Toxin

Death Berry Toxin
Toxin Rank 5
Delivery: Ingestion
Onset Time: 1 Phase
Resilience DC: 13
  •  1 Dose: The target falls Asleep.
  •  2 Doses: The target falls into a deep Paralytic Sleep. The target is Asleep, Paralyzed, and appears as if dead (First Aid DC 20 to distinguish).
  •  3 or More Doses: The target falls into a deep paralytic sleep (as with 2 Doses) and after 1d4 phases it stops breathing, causing it to Suffocate. This typically means death for the individual.
Metabolism: Doses remain in the body for 1d4 hours.

Components: Death Berry Seeds
Brew Time: None
Creation: None
"We all knew him as caring, generous, and brave, if a bit eccentric. His deeds in this life will be the gods!"
——Bennit Havlestein, local Priest interrupted in the middle of his Eulogy


The Death Berry, while certainly capable of killing someone who consumes too much of it, is named for the appearance it gives to anyone drugged by it. If a large enough dose is consumed, the eater will fall into a deep paralytic sleep, their heart rate slowing just enough as to be nearly impossible to detect. To a skilled observer or doctor, it will appear as if the subject is dead. The berry itself is deep blue, so dark so as to appear almost black, with 4 jagged leaves growing from the base. The juice contained within is similarly colored, and extremely sour.


While the Death Berry has been used to harm others, it has also been used several times throughout history in a somewhat more curious function: faking a death. A moderate dose of the Berry has been used to make an individual appear to be dead, and several hours after the 'body' has been found, the victim wakes up. Sometimes this creates an unusual funerary experience for a poorly prepared user of the drug, but a skilled planner will typically have an ally helping them to ensure that their body is removed from any prying eyes before the drug wears off.