Gas Bladder

Gas Bladder
Trap [Rank 3]
Description: A wire is attached to the lid of container which releases a stopper on a gas bladder.
Awareness DC: NA
Spot DC: NA
Detecting the Trap: There is nothing of note without interacting with the container.
Investigate DC: 20
Investigating the Area: Upon opening the lid just a crack, you notice a thin wire attached to the lid.
Disarm DC: 10
Disarming the Trap: A fine, sharp blade and a delicate hand can cut the wire and disarm the trap.
Failure: Failing the Disarm DC by 6 or more triggers the trap. Otherwise, nothing happens.
Triggering the Trap: If the container is opened without disarming the trap, the poison is released.
Effect: When the wire is disturbed, the stopper on the gas bladder is removed, and all creatures in the area are subject to the following attack:
Target: Creatures within 20ft of the container
Attack: +10 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d10+10 Caustic damage and the target must succeed a Resilience check [DC 15] or suffer an injury.
Variations: The bladder may be filled with any inhaled or vaporous contact Poison of choice.