Cold Burst Vial

Cold Burst Vial
Consumable [Cold]
Type: Potion [Value: 1,000gp]
Rank: 4 (Potency [1d10 + 4])
Rarity: Very Rare
Aura: Moderate Conjuration
Special Actions
Throw Vial
Standard Action [REC 6]
Effect: The impact of this vial causes a burst of bitter cold, freezing everything within the area . Make an attack:
Range: 50ft
Area: 20ft diameter area within range
Ranged Attack: Ranged vs. Reflex
Hit: 5d6+20 Cold damage. Additionally, all liquids in the area are frozen solid (to a depth of 6 inches). When the liquids thaw (which they will do naturally), they maintain any properties they had before they were frozen.
Prerequisites: Eldritch Arts Rank 6
  •   Drop of Black Ink [Common]
  •  Freshly Fallen Snow [Varies (season and climate dependent)]
  •  A White Scale from a Reptile [Uncommon, Value: 20gp]
  •  Magic Essence [Uncommon, Value: 50gp]
  •  Frost Rose Petals [Very Rare, Value: 800gp]
Synergies: Frozen Void