Flash Vial

Flash Vial
Consumable [Daze]
Type: Potion [Value: 100 gp]
Rank: 1 (Potency [1d10 + 1])
Rarity: Rare
Aura: Weak Evocation
Properties: The vial and solution explode in a bright flash of light when opened, dazing creatures nearby.
Special Actions
Throw Vial
Standard Action [Rec 5]
Effect: You throw the vial in your opponent's vicinity and it explodes in a bright flash of light. Make an attack:
Range: 30ft
Area: 5ft diameter area within range
Target: All creatures in the area
Ranged Attack: Ranged vs. Fortitude
Hit: The target is Dazed for 1d4 segments.
Prerequisites: Alchemy Rank 3
  •  White Phosphorus [Uncommon, Value: 50gp]
  •  A pinch of Thorium [Rare, Value: 50gp]
"Wow it's dark in here, can someone bring out some light or so-ah! AH! I'm blind! What did you do that for, you idiot?!"
——inexperienced adventurer


An Alchemist's creation, a Flash Vial is a thin vial of a white, thick liquid that is for the most part, harmless. When thrown to the ground and shattered, the liquid inside ignites in a bright, stunning flash.


Alchemists, while not necessarily possessing magical acumen, have discovered a number of ways to mimic magical spells, and in some cases create effects that not even a powerful wizard could hope to mimic. The Flash Vial has seen widespread use by military, adventurers and thieves since its inception.