Jester's Hat of Obscurity

Jester's Hat of Obscurity
Magic Item [Rare, Illusion, Enhancement]
Type: Clothing (Hat)
Rank: 5 (Potency 50)
  • +1 Item bonus to all Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
  • +4 Item bonus to all Mental Saving Throws (i.e. Intelligence, Wisdom, & Charisma).
  • +2 Item bonus to Disguise and Stealth checks.
  • The Jester's Hat obscures you from the memory of those you meet. Creatures attempting to recall details about your appearance or content of conversations with you find that their memories are foggy and unspecific.
Allocation: 3 Resolve
Aura: Moderate Illusion or Warding
"Do a trick! Like a cartwheel or a flip! He's not doing anything! Wait he's ...wait ...YES! I think he did a ...what were we talking about again?"
——Balfew Tamino, Noble Attendee to his Majesty's Royal Court


This Jester's Hat contains all the bright and fantastic colors of the rainbow when viewed from afar or in one's peripheral vision. However, when looking at it directly, the hat's colors and shape appear dull and flaccid, seemingly very uninteresting. So uninteresting in fact, that most viewers can't remember the person wearing the hat in any clear distinction


This hat once belonged to the worst Court Jester in all of the realms, as far as anyone knows. He was so terrible, in fact that people came to watch him simply to see him fail at his job. None understood why the king had allowed him to stay in court for so long. Nothing he did was exciting, funny, or even worth paying attention to, despite being amazingly talented at all aspects of tumbling, puppetry, mimicry and storytelling. Unbeknownst to historians, the worst Jester in the realms happened to be the most deadly assassin in the world at the time, his natural disposition hindering his cover.