Necklace of Fireballs

Necklace of Fireballs
Trinket [Fire]
Type: Jewelry (Necklace)
Rank: 5 (Potency 25)
Special Actions
Fire Burst
Standard Action [REC 3]
Potency (MR): 1d6+5 (Yes)
Limitation: Three times per day
Effect: You toss a bead from the necklace that erupts into a fireball.
Range: 50ft
Area: 20ft diameter burst within range.
Target: All creatures and objects in burst.
Attack: +10 P vs. Reflex
Hit: 10d6 Fire damage and the target is Pushed [1d4 x 5]ft from the center of the burst and Knocked Prone.
Miss: Half damage and no push.
Structural Effect: Structures in the area suffer 1d6 Structural Damage and flammable structures catch fire.
Depletion: 1 on 1d6
Price: 1500 gp
Aura: Weak Evocation
Skill Requirement: Eldritch Arts
Imbued Power: Fireball
  • A wood splint [Common]
  • A piece of charcoal [Common]
  • A piece of flint [Common]
  • A grain of phosphorous [Uncommon, Value: 10gp]
  • Drop of Magic Essence distilled from a Red Dragon [Very Rare, Value: 1000gp]
"You have to be out of your mind if you think I’m going to be wearing that around my neck."
——Sebastian Pots, Rogue and Adventurer


The Necklace of Fireballs appears to be a string of perfectly spherical rubies that glow with a mild warmth. Each ruby has a thin slit on one side, so that they can be removed easily with a sharp tug.


Most magical Trinkets are viewed as useful tools and are excitedly shared amongst party members once found. The Necklace of Fireballs, however, while undoubtedly useful, is viewed with extreme caution and more than a little bit of fear. Most adventurers agree that whoever thought to take the raw magical power of several Fireballs spells, freeze them in stasis gems and string them up next to each other was surely insane.