Oil of Slipperiness

Oil of Slipperiness
Type: Potion [Value: 1,250gp]
Rank: 4 (Potency [1d10 + 4])
Rarity: Very Rare
Aura: Moderate Conjuration
Special Actions
The Oil of Slipperiness can be used in either of the two following applications:
Oiled Creature
Extended Action [10 minutes]
Duration: 8 hours
Target: One Creature (medium sized or smaller)
Effect: The target's body and equipment are covered with the oil, causing it to become slick and slippery. For the oil's duration, the target is immune to the Restrained condition. Additionally, if the target is Grabbed, it can escape as a Free Action.

Oiled Ground
Standard Action [REC 4]
Duration: 8 hours
Effect: The oil is poured on the ground to create a slippery surface. For the oil's duration, the area is considered to be Slippery Terrain.
Prerequisites: Alchemy Rank 7
  •  Purified Water [Common]
  •  A drop of Mercury[UnCommon, Value: 50gp]
  •  Eel Skin [Uncommon, Value: 50gp]
  •  Babau Spleen [Rare, Value: 350gp]
  •  Bottled Ethereal Spirit [Very Rare, Value: 800gp]