Slippery Terrain

Slippery Terrain indicates terrain which is slick, difficult to maintain balance on, and presents a risk of falling with any movement. Taking physical actions while in Slippery Terrain requires you to make a Balance check to remain on your feet, having the following impact depending on the action taken:

  • When attempting to move into an area of Slippery Terrain, make a Balance check. If you succeed the check, you move as normal. If you fail, you fall Prone and your movement is interrupted. You must recover from your Movement before taking your next turn.
  • When attempting to move through or out of an area of Slippery Terrain, make a Balance Check. If you succeed, you move as normal. If you fail, you fall Prone and are Delayed 1 segment (Simple Monsters loose 1 AP instead of being delayed).
  • When attempting to Stand in Slippery Terrain, make a Balance Check. If you succeed, you may stand as normal. If you fail, you remain Prone and are Delayed 1 segment (Simple Monsters loose 1 AP instead of being delayed).
  • When making a physical attack or similar physical action while standing in Slippery Terrain, make a Balance Check. If you succeed, you may make the attack (or other physical action) as normal. If you fail, you fall Prone and are Delayed 1 segment (Simple Monsters loose 1 AP instead of being delayed).
  • While Prone in Slippery Terrain, you may make attacks, crawl, and perform similar actions as normal, though you suffer the standard penalties from being Prone.

In addition to the above, Tumble checks suffer a -4 penalty in Slippery Terrain.

The difficulty of the Balance check is dependent on how slippery the terrain is (sample difficulties listed below). Moving hastily through Slippery Terrain (i.e. Sprint speed) increases the Difficulty by 1. Typically it is unreasonable to move overland across slippery terrain without special equipment.

Examples of Slippery Terrain:
  • Wet or icy ground
  • Slick mud
  • Oily or slimy surfaces (such as with a Grease spell)
Example Difficulties for Slippery Terrain
Wet FloorDF 2DC 10
Slick MudDF 3DC 15
Icy or Greased FloorDF 4DC 20
Round Seeds, Marbles, Ball BearingsDF 5DC 25