Potion of Cleansing

Potion of Cleansing
Type: Potion [Value: 1,500gp]
Rank: 6 (Potency [1d10 + 6])
Rarity: Very Rare
Aura: Moderate Destruction
Duration: 1 hour
Properties: By drinking this potion, you are immediately cured of all poisons afflicting you, and you become immune to poisons for the duration.
Prerequisites: Religious Arts Rank 5
  •  Onion Juice [Common]
  •  Snake Venom [Uncommon, Value: 50gp]
  •  Mandrake Root [Uncommon, Value: 100gp]
  •  Antivenom Potion [Rare, Value: 200gp]
  •  Unicorn Blood [Very Rare, Value: 1,000gp]