Potion of Invisibility

Potion of Invisibility
Type: Potion [Value: 800gp]
Rank: 4 (Potency [1d10 + 4])
Rarity: Very Rare.
Aura: Moderate Illusion
Duration: 10 minutes
Properties: By drinking this potion you become Invisible. If you make an attack or other offensive action, the potion's effects end immediately following the action.
Prerequisites: Eldritch Arts Rank 5
  •  A Puff of Smoke [Very Common]
  •  Lacewing Fly [Common]
  •  Moonstone Dust [Uncommon, Value: 50gp]
  •  Bottled Ray of Sunshine [Rare, Value: 350gp]
  •  Wisp of an Air Elemental [Rare, Value: 250gp]
Synergies: Invisibility