Potion of Luck

Potion of Luck
Type: Potion
Rank: 9 (Potency [1d10 + 9])
Rarity: Extremely Rare
Aura: Strong Mysticism or Divination
Duration: 1 hour
Properties: By imbibing this potion, you are afforded magnificent luck. Whenever you make an Attack Roll, Skill Check, Saving Throw, or Potency Check, roll twice and take the better result. Additionally, whenever you are the target of an Attack, the attacker must roll twice and take the worst result.
Prerequisites: Religious Arts or Eldritch Arts Rank 8
  •  Horse Shoe [Very Common]
  •  Rabbit's Foot [Common]
  •  Four Leaf Clover [Uncommon, Value: 40gp]
  •  A Piece of Leprechaun's Gold [Rare, Value: 300gp]
  •  Fallen Star [Rare, Value: 500gp]
  •  Trapped Soul of a Luck Demon [Very Rare, Value: 5,000gp]
  •  A Broken Devil's Contract [Very Rare, Value: 5,000gp]
  •  A Thread from Fate's Weave [Unavailable]
Synergies: Fortune