Shield of Buffeting

Shield of Buffeting
Magic Item [Rare]
Rank: 3 (Potency 30)
  • +1/+1 Item bonus to AC.
Special Actions
Reactive Action
Limitation: Three times per day
Trigger: You are attacked by an adjacent creature.
Effect: The triggering creature is knocked Prone if your size or smaller.
Allocation: 2 Stamina and 2 Resolve
Aura: Minor Combat or Enchantment
"Go ahead, try it again! Uh oh! Uh oh! Awwwww, you almost got me that time! Here, let me help you up! No? Alright, I’ll be here when you’re ready!"
——Bastion the Wall


The Shield of Buffeting features a section of interlocking, sturdy metal plates covering its center mass. The plates seem to give and then rebound twice as hard with every blow they take, yet the wielder never feels the impact from an attack.


This shield once belonged to an adventuring fighter known for his taunts and boisterous behavior in battle, always degrading his enemies behind the security of his powerful shield while they tried to pierce his attacks. Because of this it is believed the shield’s name serves a double meaning. Unfortunately for the original owner of the shield, he was eventually murdered in his sleep by a humiliated rival, and his shield sold at an auction.