Knowledge Sphere

Knowledge Sphere
With the Sphere of Knowledge, a faithful servant will gain great understanding of all facets of reality, as well as divinely inspired foresight. They also gain greater mastery over magics used to garner information while in service to their deity.
Mastered Prayers: You master Prayer of Knowledge and Divine Advantage.
Prayer of Knowledge
Magic Resistance: No
Basic Divine Prayer
Immediate Action
Potency: [1d4 + Divine Rank]
Cost: 1 Resolve Burn
Effect: Channeling your curiosity through your divine patron, you learn the outcome of a particular course of action as per the Augury ritual, with the following exceptions: there is no chance of failure and it will only determine results within the 2 moments following the action in question. This ability does not require the use of a Focus or components.
First Shell
Prerequisite: Divine Rank 4
Effect: Your deity fills you with knowledge, and you learn a little bit about everything. Gain a +2 bonus to all Academics Skills checks. Gain a +4 bonus to Ritual Casting checks made as part of a ritual with the Scrying keyword.
Second Shell
Prerequisite: Divine Rank 6
Effect: Your understanding of the universe makes finding the weaknesses in creatures for your allies to exploit a minor task. Reduce the Casting Time of Divine Advantage by 1.
Third Shell
Prerequisite: Divine Rank 8
Effect: Your deity has gifted you with the power to find the information you seek, all you need do is ask. You innately know and may use the rituals Lore of Winds, Lore of Ages, and Lore of Legends without needing to meet the prerequisites. Additionally, once per extended rest, you may use the Lore of Legends ritual without paying the Energy Cost and with an accelerated casting time of 1 moment.