Star Sphere

Star Sphere
The Star Sphere provides guidance to those willing to trust in their divine light. The forces of the universe help you to learn from powerful experiences, and get to where you're going, whether you knew you needed to be there or not.
Mastered Prayers: You master Prayer of Star and Blinding Stars.
Prayer of Star
Magic Resistance: No
Basic Divine Prayer
Standard Action [CT 2, REC 1]
Potency: [1d4 + Divine Rank]
Range: 10 ft
Effect: The universe knows all of its secrets, and you have but to ask. You sense the presence of any secret passages or compartments within range. This ability only alerts you to the presence of secret passages, and gives you no information as to their actual location.
First Shell
Prerequisite: Divine Rank 4
Effect: Your divine connection to the universe allows you to gain greater understanding from its mysteries. When you spend Karma to gain Experience, you gain 50 Experience Points (XP), instead of 25 XP.
Second Shell
Prerequisite: Divine Rank 6
Effect: The stars above always guide you, even when you cannot see them. You automatically succeed Orienteering checks made to determine direction. For all other Orienteering checks, gain a +4 bonus.
Third Shell
Prerequisite: Divine Rank 8
Effect: No longer simply waiting for their answer, you beseech the stars for help reaching your goal. You may use the Find the Path ritual once per day, without paying the Energy Cost or requiring a Focus. You do not need to meet the normal prerequisites of Find the Path to gain this benefit.