Travel Sphere

Travel Sphere
The Travel Sphere encourages wanderlust in all of those under its influence. You do not tire from traveling, can move more easily, and can also bestow this gift upon others.
Mastered Prayers: You master Prayer of Travel and Release.
Prayer of Travel
Magic Resistance: No
Basic Divine Prayer
Immediate Action
Potency: [1d4 + Divine Rank]
Cost: 1 Stamina
Range: 50ft
Target: One creature within range
Effect: Your deity's will allows you to put your allies where they want to be. The target shifts 5ft.
First Shell
Prerequisite: Divine Rank 4
Effect: Your Deity blesses you with supernatural stamina to aid your journey. You do not become Fatigued from overland travel.
Second Shell
Prerequisite: Divine Rank 6
Effect: With a quick surge of divine will, you usher the target forth. When utilizing the Prayer of Travel, the target may now shift 10ft.
Third Shell
Prerequisite: Divine Rank 8
Effect: Your deity will no longer allow you to be hindered by your environment while you travel. You ignore the effects of Entangling or Unstable Terrain.