Altar of Lifespring

Altar of Lifespring
Magic Resistance: Special
Healer of the Lifespring Class Feature [Healing]
Standard Action [CT 4, REC 3]
Potency: [1d8 + Divine Rank]
Cost: 2 Stamina Burn
Limitation: You may only have one instance of this power active at a time.
Duration: 1 Round or until dismissed, dispelled or disrupted.
Upkeep: Free Action, Spend 1 Stamina to increase the duration by 1 round.
Range: 20 ft.
Effect: You summon an Altar of Lifespring within range. The altar occupies a 5ft space and healing waters flow along the ground from it, creating a 20 ft radius area of regeneration. While in contact with the waters, all living humanoids gain Regeneration (5). The flow of the water is subject to terrain, and will therefore be stopped by walls or fall down cliffs. Additionally, while the altar is active, the caster may utilize the following action:
Lifespring Healing [Healing]
Immediate Action
Target: One creature in contact with the Lifespring waters.
Effect: The target regains its Healing Value (HV) in Hitpoints.
Special: The altar can be attacked. It has Defenses of 10 and hitpoints equal to your [Divine Rank x 20]. If the altar looses all its hitpoints it is destroyed. If a target has Magic Resistance, it may negate the Lifespring Healing ability but not the Regeneration granted by the Altar.
Master Augment, Greater Altar
[Healer of the Lifespring II, Divine Rank 6]
Stacking [Rank 6, 8, 10]: This augment may be applied a number of times and is only limited by your Divine Rank.
Effect: Increase the range of this prayer by 20 ft and the radius of the water's area by 10 ft. Additionally, increase the altar's hitpoints by 10 per Divine Rank.
Master Augment, Stronger Lifespring
[Healer of the Lifespring II, Divine Rank 6]
Stacking [Rank 6, 8, 10]: This augment may be applied a number of times and is only limited by your Divine Rank.
Effect: Increase the regeneration granted by the Lifespring by 5.
Master Augment, Curing Lifespring
[Healer of the Lifespring III, Divine Rank 7]
Cost: 2 Stamina Burn
Effect: When you use the Immediate Action granted by this power, the target may also make a Resilience check at a +5 bonus to attempt to heal a single Injury.