Anger of Ages

Anger of Ages
Ultimate Martial Technique
Prerequisites: Martial Rank 9
Disciplines: Savage
Standard Action [REC Weapon Speed]
Cost: 1 Karma, 1 Fury and 3 Resolve
Effect: Drawing from the endless savagery of your ancestors, you summon forth the inhuman power in your blood. Make an attack:
Range: Melee Reach
Target: One creature within reach
Attack: Melee Weapon vs. AC
Hit: Weapon[9 WD] damage. For the next 10 rounds the upkeep of your Barbaric Rage is free and you are immune to Fear and Morale Damage.
Augment, Greater Anger
[Martial Rank 10, Stacking]
Stacking [Rank 10, 11, 12, etc]: This augment may be used multiple times and is limited by your Martial Rank.
Effect: Increase the damage dealt by 1 WD.